Superintendent's Message
It is my great honor to serve as the Superintendent of the Greene County School District, where our goal is to develop life long learners that are college and career ready once they graduate. Students deserve an opportunity to excel in academics, vocational skills, extra curricular activities, athletics, or whatever their interest is in.
I am very proud of our district and how well our students perform each year. The Greene County School District is currently rated as a "A" district and among the top districts in the state of Mississippi. Additionally, every school in our district is either rated an "A" or a "B". Our athletics are "Rising Up" with improvements across the board, and our students continue to excel in vocational, extra-curricular, and other activities. Our students, teachers, and administrators prove every day that well done is better than well said. That's why the Greene County School District truly is "Excellence in Education".
I hope that you can use this website as a means to involve yourself and maintain communication about what is going on in your school district. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education and for your continued support of Greene County Schools.
Charles L. Breland, Superintendent